Ai business opportunities for techincal companies

Using Ai in technical companies can be challenging because specific problems often involve multiple aspects. Therefore, it’s vital to have well organized data for Ai tools. Here are some practical possibilities for technical companies:

Technical service support

Support the technical department through an Ai assistant for the technical department. This can be done through a chatbot that connects to company information, working drawings, manuals and the history of failures. This way, at the moment of a malfunction, the Ai assistant can immediately look at the problem and find an appropriate solution for it.

Requesting information about technical installations

With Ai, you can quickly get info about all your technical stuff, like maintenance history, tools in storage, spare parts, and more. You don’t need to ask colleagues or puzzle things out, Ai helps you find what you need on your own.

Checking operations

Imagine surveyors who measure things and make sure they’re right compared to the real world. This stops people from making mistakes.

Image Recognition for Visual Inspections:
Traditional visual inspections can be time consuming and not that accurate. For this, Ai image recognition offers a solution. Using Data & Ai, images and videos can be analyzed, identifying objects, patterns and anomalies. This provides opportunities for automated visual inspections in various industries.

For example, imagine a manufacturing company needs to inspect a large number of facilities for defects. Image recognition allows cameras or even to take pictures of products and analyze them instantly. Ai can detect defects, such as cracks, dents or missing parts, and immediately generate notifications.

This reduces reliance on manual inspections, saves time and, in many cases, is more accurate than the human eye.

These are just some of the opportunities Ai can bring to techincal companies. Want to learn more about Ai’s capabilities? Contact us.

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