Discover the possibilities of Ai for businesses

Get yourself and your business ready for Ai. ANd start discovering applications for your business.

Want to apply AI in your business, but have no idea of the possibilities? Our online training will help you get started on a clear understanding of the possibilities of AI, as well as the potential danger. Whether you are a non-expert getting started with AI or simply want to increase your knowledge, after this training you are sure to be up to speed on the most important aspects. Discover how AI can transform your business and unleash your creativity to explore new possibilities.

What you will learn:

  • You will learn the possibilities of Ai for businesses and where it will take us
  • You will learn the capabilities of different tools that can be directly applied in your business
  • You will learn the longer-term Ai opportunities and how to prepare your business for them.
  • You will learn about the dangers of data and AI, and what to watch out for before your company starts using AI.

€ 225

Who is going to guide you?

Mark is always at the forefront of his ventures. For example, he started working with drones 10 years ago and applying Ai in companies 5 years ago. After selling the drone company, he focused entirely on applying Ai in companies.

Mark has extensive hands-on experience with Ai, including ChatGPT. Thanks to ChatGPT, he has been able to give his businesses a big boost. Which you can also benefit from now

Mark Woortmeijer – A.I expert

Discover the possibilities of Ai for your business

1. What is Ai

Learn what AI is, how it is being used and how your business can prepare for it and eventually start using it.

  • How does A.I work
  • How to use A.I.
  • Applying A.I in companies

2. Ai’s capabilities:

Get a clear picture of the posibilities that are available today. In this training we offer several examples of tools and applications that can already be used in companies today.

  • The possibilities of A.I for businesses
  • A.I tools that can be used in any business
  • How to apply these tools

3. The dangers of Ai:

Learn what to watch out for as a company when using AI tools, what happens to your data and other risks to avoid when starting with AI.

  • What to watch out for with A.I in companies
  • The dangers posed by A.I.
  • A.I and legislation 

4. The long-term possibilities and how you can prepare for them now 

Learn more about the longer-term opportunities AI offers for businesses, how you as a company can prepare for it, and how to get started.

  • Here’s what’s possible with A.I in the future
  • This is how you prepare your company that you can get in at any time with A.I
  • How can a company best get started with A.I. 

The training

The training consists of 4 modules where of each module has a number of videos between 5 to 10 minutes. Where in the different topics are clearly explained. 

Start today with A.I now temporarily € 225